Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Because 2010 is "The Year of the Concert"

Alex is pushing me to post, because she doesn't want to look like the only SMAG posting.  Or at least, isn't the ONLY one procrastinating.  It's part of being a SMAG - working reeeeeally hard and then going brain-dead for about 10 minutes while we recharge.  Anyways...,

Now, I have been told numerous times that I have no taste in music.  Sometimes, this wasn't said aloud, but I know it was at least thought.  I am a quintessential Z100 listening pop-rock-hiphop mainstream music-loving person; I love The Fray and Alicia Keys, own a few Taylor Swift cds, can't stop singing the new Flo Rida song, and feel bad about still loving Chris Brown.  My sister calls it being a "teenybopper" but I call it clubbing-preparation.

Anyways, since Jan 2010, Alex has purchased tickets for both of us to go to at least 10 concerts - all but one or two being bands or acts I'd never heard of.  We've hit up most of the major NYC venues now: Radio City, Bowery Ballroom, Williamsburg Music Hall, Terminal 5... and probably another one that I've forgotten already.  I find some interesting people enjoying these concerts: the normal hipster set, the whiter portion of the NYC SMAG set (the other half are staying with the bar/club scene), as well as the natural influx of younger generation peeps (<-- intentional) that now define "cool" as being "different" and being "different" means you have to like underground bands until they become "mainstream" and then it becomes "uncool" to support them anymore.  (you know who you are.)  Regardless of my non-affiliation with either group, I have loved the music at each of these concerts.  But I think Alex and I both agree that the best part of these concerts in the people-watching!  White-hipster-girl-dancing is the best thing to watch, second only to "Pearl the Landlord".  It's entertaining and hilarious without being creepy or gross.  They hop around like they're doing field hockey drills, flailing all limbs, not being self-concious, and having a great time.  It doesn't matter if they're alone or in a small pack, it's all the same!  If you haven't seen this genre of "dance" in person yet, you should go out and find some to watch.  Recommendation: Brooklyn will be the area with the highest chance of a hipster sighting.

It's almost September, and Alex has something like 5 more concerts for us to go to this month.  Plenty of opportunities to watch white-hipster-girl-dancing!  On with 2010: The Year of the Concert!

1 comment:

  1. Concerts for 2010 (so far)...

    - White Rabbits at Bowery Ballroom
    - P.O.S. at Bowery Ballroom
    - Miike Snow at Williamsburg Music Hall
    - Metric at Terminal 5
    - New Pornographers at Terminal 5
    - The National & The Antlers at Radio City
    - Talib Kweli at S.O.B.'s
    - Alicia Keys at Summerstage

    - Dirty Projectors at Terminal 5 (9/11)
    - Titus Andronicus at Webster Hall (9/25)
    - Best Coast & Male Bonding at Bowery Ballroom (9/29)
    - Broken Bells at Terminal 5 (10/11)

    more tk!
