Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day!

Yes, it took 3.14159... to get me out of accidental blog-retirement. I wish I'd had the foresight to make those pie crusts like I was tempted to (just cuz I felt like it), because then I'd be making a fresh pie tonight without having the hassle of making the crust - which as Alex can attest to is usually the part that takes me the longest.  For Thanksgiving, I made two crusts and then promptly refrigerated them and went to bed.  Don't have the work ethic and time management to do both parts in one day.  (I will say that while I love the below image, I'd like to think that my pinch-crimping is much prettier than in this pic. First image is not my pie, second image IS my pie.)

Isn't it kind of a smag-tastic thing to want to do something like bake randomly?  I feel like smags like to do random creative things like this... or perhaps it's not random on Pi Day.

** EDIT**  I made my Key Lime Pi Pie last night.  Here it is!  If I'd just bought a ready-made graham cracker crust, we could have eaten this right after Law & Order, but as it was, I sat there for an hour and a half slowly stabbing at graham crackers with a wooden spoon until I gave up and used my hands.  Didn't finish this puppy until 11:56pm - just in time for the end of pi day!  And I'm glad I didn't wake up the other smag with the loud noises from making the whipped cream.


  1. Mmm, don't you wish we lived in the same city, so I could help you eat that pie?
