Thursday, February 23, 2012

Smags in Yankee Stadium!

Yes, Spring Training is upon us... and perhaps the Yankees will distract NYers from all this Linsanity (How come we haven't had a Jeremy Lin post yet?  Don't worry, it'll happen eventually).  I can not wait for the 2012 season to start.  

I'm glad my "sports t-shirt curse" has not yet spread to my remaining Yankees...  But more importantly, I recently bought Smag-Alex a cute little 9-pack of Yankee tickets for her birthday to match mine.  So finally, after many years of inaction, we are finally "Season Ticket Holders" (technically)!!!  Will April 19 get here already? (That's our first game, vs. a hopefully healthy Joe Mauer and the Twins)

But what we really need to know is, with A.J. gone, who's going to be in charge of pies?!?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

SMAGs have cool friends.

Here is a rule that I think is for NYC folk, but can be applied to all city smags as well:

You are an official smag when you're friends with a musician that resides in Brooklyn.  Now, for Smag-Alex, who met MGMT a few years back at a birthday party; and for Smag-Joyce, who works in the music industry... this is easier.  But that I'm friends with a super-cool, talented musician named Aaron Alexis... it's awesome and totally SMAGgy and twinkie-ish. I'm a legit city-smag now.  Check him out here.  

In classic NYC style, he has an equally wonderful day-job and was around to help me figure out how the heck to post this (after begging his modest self, of course).