Wednesday, January 25, 2012

We smags are EVERYWHERE... watch yo'self.

Ok. Smag-Lyd here. So we've sucked about posting frequently.  But recently I overheard snippets of a conversation on the street that Smag-Alex REQUIRED that I post here.  It's truly indicative of the types of random stuff a smag will come across on a given day in NYC.

Last night, another smag and I were leaving the 24 Hour Fitness gym near Madison Square Park and were waiting to cross the street behind three young men who were very much NYC born-and-raised.  (You can just tell by the voice and swagger.)  They were tall, well-intentioned, nice young men with a preppy, hip-hop fashion sense.  I'll leave ethnicity out of this, so you can assume what you'd like.  This is the conversation, about a girl one of them hooked up with the previous weekend, as I heard it:

Middle Boy: "... and then she went all ninja on me..."  (makes ninja swiping movements with arms)
Right boy: hahahhahah
:: insert random talk I couldn't quite hear::
Right Boy: (walking slowly) ::other unintelligble question::
(smags decide to pass them on the far right)
Middle Boy: (answering question) I don't know... I'd never f*cked an asian girl before...
Left Boy: (mumbles something)
Middle Boy: Oh man... I didn't even see them til you said anything!
(at this point, we smags are fully past them, walking in front and I'm trying not to openly crack up)
Middle Boy: Now they're going to think I have Yellow Fever or some shit like that!

Please realize, that all of us (besides my smag friend who was zoned out looking at bus schedules) were completely aware that the other party found this whole exchange extremely hilarious. I know that they could see me shaking my head and cracking up. I could hear them all laughing in an embarassed way.  I can only imagine what Left Boy said to inform the others of our presence, and even more so, the question Right Boy asked Middle Boy to prompt that answer.  

Most of all, I really wanted to turn around and say, "Boys... you should go forth through life assuming that there are smags EVERYWHERE.  We will always overhear those inappropriate comments.  There are too many of us.  You can not get away from us, unless you're maybe in a remote place in Montana.  Maybe."  Also, I wished I'd asked what it means to "go all ninja" on someone.  Or maybe I'm glad I didn't.

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