Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smags in Atlantic City... worst idea ever...

(by Smag-Lydia)
Nothing on the East Coast is more ghetto than Atlantic City.  "What?!" you ask, "How about all those inner city parts in all major metro areas?"  And I would respond, "yes, but an unfortunate and fortunate attribute to those inner city parts is that you can avoid those areas if you don't want to be harassed.  In Atlantic City, they're mixed in with the crowd.  You can't avoid them if you TRIED."  

Here's a small sampling of comments the SmagTwins Al & Al got when they went down to AC on Tuesday afternoon.  (note: this is in DAYLIGHT)

[excerpt from an email from Smag-Alex]
As we're walking down the boardwalk this afternoon: "hey do you want a happy ending?" His friend standing nearby is just saying "f*******ck, f*******ck" the entire time we're passing by.

Two men pass by in one of those carts pushed by some poor dude: "squishy squishy squishy squishy squishy"

I have no idea what that second one meant, but it was definitely said in a really lewd way. Why do gross men feel they're entitled to shout obscenities at small Asian girls?

[end email from Alex]

Why DO people feel entitled to do that?  I've discussed this with Alex before, and we're confused why people who are in cities/places where there is a constant flow of Asians (many of whom who speak perfect English) feel compelled to yell weird things like this.  We don't understand the choice of words either.  Squishy, squishy?  Al and Al are tiny girls with a really low body-fat ratio, so it can't be a physical attribute comment... Also, if you've read our blog from the beginning, you'll remember that a fellow smag and I were harassed with a shout of "CHICKEN CHOW MEIN!" in Times Square late at night.  I don't run by Polish people and yell "PIEROGIES!"or the like.  How does a leering gentleman choose what to say to someone?  What are they trying to accomplish, and has it ever worked for them? 

Of course, Atlantic City is different place when you have more than 2 smags in your travel group, and also different when you have some jasians with you.  (Jasians = jacked asians)

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