Thursday, April 20, 2017

All asians in the same vicinity are related... right?

Last week, I took the Amtrak back to the city from upstate and grabbed one of the last few seats on the aisle next to a white woman who politely ignored me. (This, of course, is the rule of engagement for commuter trains. Don't touch, don't talk.) Two asian men and an asian woman with several suit cases claimed the aisle seats ahead of me, but not directly bordering my seat.
(X's represent occupied seats, A's represent the three asians)

| x A |  | A x |
| x A |  | x x |
| x x |  | me x |

Well-meaning conductor (scans Lydia's ticket): You know, there are more seats together in the next car.
Lydia: (blank stare, confused)
Well-meaning conductor: (gestures in front of him to the next train car) In the next car, you can all sit together. There's space.
Lydia: Oh! ... I don't know them.