Wednesday, October 17, 2012

It's been a long time...

...shouldn't have left you...

So I realize we've gone almost 6 months without a smag post.  And nothing short of a brilliant Halloween costume idea could bring us out of pseudo-retirement. 

I'd love to do a group-smag costume dealio for this Halloween.  I generally hate Halloween and costumes, but if it was a group thing, I could overlook said hatred.  My idea in the middle of August was to do a Carmen Sandiego themed group costume.  Smag-Alex could be Carmen (because she can pull off a trench coat), Smag-Joyce could be a gumshoe (because she is our forensics guru in the apt), and I could be a V.I.L.E. henchmen (because I'm good at making awkward pointy-elbowed creepy arm movements).  I would have happily worn green pants and eyeblack and made my own "dossier" for our gumshoe.  But alas - this was too much work to even think about realistically. 

Enter unintentionally-sometimes-smag-dating friend of ours.

"I think you should do a group costume. 'binder full of smags' "

Two points to anyone who can come up with a hypothetical way to pull off this genius and appropriately timed costume. (and no we are not actually going to do this. but I'm very interested in knowing how it could be done.)  Two points to anyone who thought this post was going to be about Aaliyah.